Topical day on Children’s Rights


The Office of the Ombudsman for children, the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare and the open government Team of the Ministry of Finance implement this event annually in collaboration.

The purpose of the event is to provide up-to-date information on the realisation of the rights of the child and to enable networking between actors. The theme of the event changes every year. The event will take place during the week of the Rights of the child in November.

Right to education

In 2024, the theme of the event is the child’s right to education. The hybrid event will be held on Thursday the 21st of November this year in the premises of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (conference room Meritulli, address Meritullinkatu 8). The link to the remote transmission will be published on this website before the event.

Please register via this link by the 15th of September (registration is in Finnish). Please contact us if you have any questions: avoinhallinto(at)

More detailed information on the theme

Education is one of the most well-known and central rights of the child. In Finland, belief in education has been strong, as it has guaranteed a pathway to a better life. Much has also been invested in schools. Every child’s right to equal education is safeguarded, we have educated and motivated teachers, and our pupils have demonstrated their competence in international comparisons.

In recent years, children’s competence and teachers’ job satisfaction have weakened, but there is a strong will to repair the system. Solutions for future schools and learning will be sought together at the event. You will hear speeches from decision-makers, professionals and researchers, and you will be able to discuss the topic with them.

You are warmly welcome!