Open Democracy Network
The Open Democracy Network is a community open to everyone. The network has been created to allow the sharing of information and best practices. It supports capacity building, building a shared understanding on various subjects, and dialogue between researchers and practitioners. The network also promotes societal discussion on issues important to the network.
The theme for 2024 is “artificial intelligence and openness”. Other important topics identified include accessibility, equality, civil society, information security, data protection, communications and building trust.
The network is a channel for different actors to communicate about the important work they have done and we create new forms of operation for the network in collaboration. As a rule, network meetings are arranged online so participation is accessible to everyone. The activities of the network are coordinated by the Open Government Team together with a group of advisers. We have been able to profit from the valuable work of the previous local government democracy network. The network is further developed according to the wishes and recommendations from the network members.
The network’s activities are free of charge for the participants. The main language for events is Finnish. You are welcome to join the network!
You will find information on the following and future network topics and events on this page. Suggest a topic and an organiser, organise your own event or register your own event promoting open democracy at

The state government officials contact network is part of the open democracy network
The network supports the implementation of open government in state central government organizations The members of the government officials network act as contacts between their own organization in the implementation of the Open Government Action Plan. They report to the senior management in their organization and also bring up new ideas for development. The best practices of different organisations in open government are shared via the government officials contact network.
The open democracy network supports this work and there can be special sessions and meetings where the content that are specifically tuned for are created for state government members. The activities arranged for these members supports finding potential collaborators within government and the sharing of best practices within government.