Recommendations for Positive Online Communication

Virtual is real
I only write or say things online that I would be prepared to say face to face.
  • Good governance requires good communication. I will do my best to ensure that my messages are simple, clear, understandable, transparent, and friendly, both online and face to face. I know that articles distributed on the Internet can have real consequences.
I am the message
The words I use to define me. They describe me.
  • I know that more effective communication means better governance: people have the right to have access to datasets, documents and information, and to services without delay and by honest means, to be involved in decision-making processes and to understand and review my actions.
Words shape my thinking
I will spend the time necessary to express my views in the best possible way.
  • I avoid unclear terms, overwhelming cabin language and misleading foreign-language words. I understand that this is the right of every citizen. If my way of speaking is not clear, then neither is it my idea or my actions. I encourage dialogue.
I will listen before I speak
Nobody’s always right, neither am I. I listen with sincere and open mind.
  • I listen to the opinions and suggestions of others. I take the habit of working together and using a language that supports constructive and civilised dialogue. If you ask me anything, I will answer without delay. If I notice any confusion, I’ll find out why and how to solve it.
Words are bridges
I choose my words to understand, understand and get close to readers and listeners.
  • I choose suitable words and tools for communicating with everyone, taking into account their age, background and level of education. I’m trying to make sure everyone understands what I say or write. I am responsible for the positive and proactive nature of the message.
Words have consequences
I know that what I say or write can have either minor or serious consequences.
  • I understand that all my messages and actions have a real and significant impact on people’s everyday lives. I can easily be reached, provide information, clarify responsibilities and streamline activities.
I’m careful to pass on the material.
I only share texts and pictures once I have read, evaluated and understood them.
  • I know that any message I share on the Internet can affect people’s perception of my work. Keep the data and datasets up-to-date and available, as far as possible in an open file format. I don’t share misleading or non-transparent messages. I’ll tell people about their rights to information, privacy and security.
Ideas can be discussed – people must be respected
People whose views and opinions differ from mine are not my enemies.
  • Mutual respect is central to civil society and improves cooperation and inclusion. I will ensure that my communication is respectful both in style and content and promotes mutual respect.
Insult is not an argument
I do not accept aggressive or aggressive words, even if they support my own point of view.
  • Insults are always humiliating, not only for the injured but also for the offenders and those next to them. I encourage people to formulate their opinions so that they do not offend others. I cannot tolerate insults even when they support my own cause. I share the Internet to promote the rational use of communication channels.
Silence also has something to say
When it’s better to keep quiet… I keep quiet.
  • I know that people’s attention and time are valuable and I am therefore concise. A message only when it is necessary to promote knowledge and inclusion, not for propaganda. My communication is always useful, necessary and important
The Declaration consists of 10 principles. It was created in cooperation between networks and the text has been translated into 12 languages. There are different versions of the Declaration. This version is intended to support dialogue between public administration and citizens. The Finnish version has been produced in the open Government Programme ( in cooperation with Parole_O_Saccount. The PAROLE O_Stili is a non-profit organisation established in Trieste in July 2017, which aims to increase the awareness and responsibility of Internet users for its use, encourages them to share and maintain the values set out in the Declaration.